
Please register for Stereodynamics 2024 by filling in the form below. The registration cost is £550 and details of how to pay will be sent to registered participants soon after completion of the form. The fees include the welcome reception on Sunday evening, lunch (Monday to Friday), coffees, snacks and refreshments throughout the meeting, as well as the conference outing and dinner on Thursday afternoon/evening.

We have a limited number of significant bursaries available (> £100) to cover some of the cost of the registration fees for a small number of participants. Please email if you’d like to apply and include a short description of why you require the financial support.

Please note: There is also an ‘accompanying person’ option available, which will include the welcome reception on Sunday evening, as well as the conference outing and conference dinner on Thursday. This will cost £75. If you would like to register an accompanying person, please email

General registration
Attendee name
Attendee name
Email confirmation
Will you be attending;
Please note: This information is solely for administration purposes only - attendance to any of the above is included in the registration fee